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Life with Emilia Ann: Ep. 24 - DAN!

I felt such gratitude during the recording of this podcast with special guest, Dan McKim. I would have been perfectly happy just to sit and listen to his story without speaking at all, (but I did say some things.)

After a silly start, we talked about his recent experience at the Hoffman Institute and how it tapped him into some of the main ways he guards himself from other people - which a lot of the time shows up as little judgments or using his, albeit excellent, sense of humor to avoid vulnerable connections with others.

He shared his journey from a near death experience from a serious opioid addiction... which ended up being a spiritual experience that ultimately started him on a completely different life path. Through a serious of majorly synchronistic events, he found himself with the perfect "teacher" for him at the time (Kyle Cease) and the perfect group of people aligned with his information to support his full recovery and beyond. Fast forward and now Dan is a key member of Kyle's team, managing one of the most emotionally cutting-edge companies out there that is impacting the world in such a positive way, engaged to one of the loveliest ladies there is (Kari Geddes!) and living a completely different life than he was six years ago.

I feel that this podcast was chalk-full of amazing insights and a great story. We need to get Dan out from behind the camera more often! His humility, kindness and wisdom certainly shine through the recording and I am so happy to share it with you all.

Love, Emilia Ann

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